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Harrisonburg Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Blog

What Should I Do If My Child Has Shark Teeth?

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonburgsmiles @ 4:49 pm
A child's bottom row of teeth with an extra tooth behind the bottom front teeth

As a parent, you may feel concerned at the first sign of anything abnormal in your child’s life. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to something of medical concern. So, when you see something out of the ordinary in your child’s smile, you might already be dialing their dentist. If you see a second row of teeth on your child, don’t be alarmed! Here is more about the “shark teeth” phenomenon and what you should do to assuage your worries.


What are Some Signs That You’re a Good Candidate for Mini Dental Implants?

May 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonburgsmiles @ 3:14 pm
Woman checking smile in a handheld mirror

Mini dental implants are much smaller than traditional ones. They offer all kinds of advantages, such as having a shorter recovery time and only requiring one visit to be placed. So how will you know if you’re an ideal candidate for mini dental implants? Here are some signs that you might be able to benefit from this advanced form of tooth replacement.


5 Signs You May Need to Upgrade Your Smile with New Dentures

April 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonburgsmiles @ 4:17 pm
a woman happily showing off her smile with replaced dentures

If you have had to restore your smile with dentures, you are not alone. According to U.S. Census Data from 2020, roughly 41 million Americans wore dentures. This tooth loss solution not only gives you back your self-confidence, but everyday functions such as eating and talking with ease. However, no matter how well you take care of them, your prosthetic won’t last forever. Eventually, you will notice they may not fit as well as they used to or are worn down. Read on to learn five signs that it may be time to get a new restoration.


Dangers of Chewing on Ice

March 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonburgsmiles @ 1:20 am

Glass full of iceChewing on ice can be an easy way to cool down on a hot day. However, it can also be a sign of iron deficiency. No matter the reason behind your ice chewing, you can cause serious damage to your smile. Here’s how chomping on ice can harm your teeth and what you can do to break the habit.


Can Receded Gums Grow Back?

March 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonburgsmiles @ 8:39 pm
person wondering if gums grow back

The gums are crucial in maintaining teeth stability by creating a seal around them, which also acts as a defense against bacteria. Gum recession indicates an issue with these tissues and can make your smile vulnerable to damage. If you’ve experienced gum recession, you may be wondering: can gums grow back? Continue reading to discover the causes of gum recession, if they can grow back, and how to prevent this from happening in the first place.


The Importance of Replacing Missing Molars

February 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonburgsmiles @ 9:54 pm
a cartoon image of a missing tooth

It’s estimated that around 180 million Americans suffer from tooth loss, making it quite a widespread issue! But when we think about missing teeth, we typically imagine a smile filled with gaps—however, you can also lose your back teeth, which isn’t quite as obvious whenever you grin. That said, front and back teeth alike need to be replaced promptly to avoid further tooth loss and other potential issues. Here’s more from your dentist about why you shouldn’t wait to replace a missing molar, along with why a dental implant is going to be your best option for doing so.


Why Good Oral Health Is Important Prior To Cosmetic Dental Treatment

February 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonburgsmiles @ 4:49 am
a patient receiving cosmetic dental work

Your smile is often the first feature that people notice about you, meaning that you should want it to look its absolute best! But in order to undergo cosmetic dentistry, it’s important to have optimal oral health to reduce the likelihood of complications. Here’s more about why from your cosmetic dentist in Harrisonburg.


Top 3 Oral Health Issues That Are Preventable

January 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonburgsmiles @ 7:22 pm
a patient smiling with great oral health in Harrisonburg

Have you ever had mildly swollen gums when you were younger? Are you currently struggling with a toothache? You aren’t the only one. Most people have experienced at least one oral health problem in their life. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 80% of people will have had at least one cavity by the time they’re 34. Fortunately, many of these common dental concerns are avoidable. Read on to learn about three oral health issues and how you can significantly reduce your risks.


How Can Dental Implants Save You Hundreds in the Long Run?

January 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonburgsmiles @ 6:07 pm
a person saving coins in a piggy bank

Have you lost one, several, or all of your teeth? If so, you likely understand how difficult this can make daily tasks, such as eating and talking. The good news is that there are various durable and effective solutions to replace your missing pearly whites and renew your bite. But which tooth-replacement option is good for both your smile and budget? Keep reading to learn why dental implants may be the more cost-effective choice!


4 Things You Should Know Before Getting Invisalign

December 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonburgsmiles @ 12:04 am
person putting on Invisalign aligner tray

Invisalign is one of the most popular ways to straighten one smile. Over several months or years, it will move your teeth into a more ideal position to close gaps, correct alignment problems, and fix bite issues. If you’re thinking about undergoing Invisalign treatment, there are a few things that you should know before you begin. Keep reading to learn four things that you should know before getting Invisalign.

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