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Discover the Importance of a Cone Beam Scanner When Preparing to Receive Dental Implants

December 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — harrisonburgsmiles @ 10:44 pm
a young woman with her head situated in a Cone Beam Scanner

Dental technology has come a long way. In recent years, dentists have turned to a new kind of device that produces higher quality images and a greater opportunity to formulate more accurate and precise treatment plans, especially as it pertains to dental implants in Harrisonburg. What is it? The answer is the Galileos® Cone Beam Imaging system. But what is so great about this piece of technology? How can it make a difference in restoring your smile? Read on to discover the benefits of this equipment and why it’s important you find an implant dentist who uses one to plan your restorative procedure.

What is the Galileos® Cone Beam Imaging System?

This unique machine is used in the early stages of dental implant discussions. If you are inquiring about the potential for tooth replacement, your dentist in Harrisonburg will use a cone beam scanner to capture a 3D image of your jaw, skull, facial structure, and mouth. Completely painless and taking only minutes to complete, the device rotates a full 360-degrees before sending a full digital image to a nearby computer for your dentist to view.

Why Should an Implant Dentist Use One?

When planning the dental implant procedure, an implant dentist can greatly benefit from the use of a cone beam scanner because of its ability to produce a high-resolution image that makes it easy to examine various angles, determine the durability of the jawbone, and ensure the appropriate size and length of the implants are used to secure within the bone and avoid any potential nerve damage.

Your dentist will be able to craft a more personalized, precise, and accurate treatment plan long before your implants are surgically put into place. Because this particular tooth replacement procedure requires more time to plan and execute, it is imperative that the implant dentist know exactly where the posts should be placed to avoid any potential surprises along the way. Not to mention, the use of a cone beam scanner is likely to produce a higher success rate.

What Are Its Benefits?

While it is not necessary for a dentist to use a cone beam scanner, its benefits are hard to overlook. Yes, the technology and equipment are costly, but when finding an implant professional who uses one to assist with the placement of dental implants, you can trust that your oral health is in the right hands. Not only does it state the individual is committed to offering their patients the best in dental technology, but it will also give you greater peace of mind knowing your procedure is going to produce outstanding results.

The benefits that come with using a cone beam scanner include:

  • A more thorough treatment plan that identifies where the implants should be placed for optimal support
  • A quick and painless process that creates a high-resolution image much easier for viewing than a regular dental X-ray
  • Captured images of the bone and soft tissues that cannot be viewed as easily with traditional X-rays
  • The ability for your dentist to determine how your bite will function, ensuring there is a reduced risk for improper implant alignment

The process of receiving dental implants takes time and requires the skill of a trained professional. Finding the right implant dentist who uses advanced technology like the cone beam scanner will ensure you make a worthwhile investment in your smile.

About the Practice
The importance of incorporating and using advanced dental technology is evident at Harrisonburg Family & Cosmetic Dentistry. Our team of dental professionals and staff believe in providing patients with the most up to date technologies and equipment, allowing for a more efficient appointment and accurate treatment planning process. From root canal therapy to dental implant placement, our ability to use a Cone Beam Scanner makes procedure preparation much more precise and ensures an improved patient experience. To learn more about the available technology we use and how it can benefit you, contact us at (540) 432-6616.

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